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Each license allows the syllabus to be taught for 12 months before needing to be renewed. If you don’t want to renew simply stop teaching the class, using the materials and let us know so we can remove you from any listings.

Licenses are sold to individuals not locations. This is done to provide maximum flexibility with the purchase, some of our course providers operate from a number of community centres rather than a dedicated dance studio. This means that the license follows the teacher rather than having to license each location.

The license holder should be present when the class is taught, overseeing that the class is taught as per the syllabus, however if there is more than one teacher in the room, they all don’t need to hold a license.

It does mean that only one class can be held at any one time and if the license holder is absent through sickness or annual leave, then the class can’t proceed without them. (this rule is in place to protect the generous licensing terms against abuse from license holders that own more than one school).

Unfortunately not. If a license is no longer needed, then it shouldn’t be renewed.